Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Apologies on the Snub, Crocheters

Clearly, we are not tying to marginalize our contributors, and hope no non-knitters have taken offense.  Crochet, macrame, quilt, staple--whatever works to put a hat together.  A warm headed kid on the street will be thankful this February.


WitchyOne said...

My Aunt Nancy in Oregon (who owns a yarn store) had this to say: "What a great project. We started a similiar program out here in Oregon and were amazed with the response of volunteers to knit and crochet, many who made donations of yarn and even cash. A lot of homeless people get a bad rap because we (speaking for myself here....) so stereotypically move into a negative place at first glance, but oh what an education I've had and am proud to work with these people. Yes, there are those who choose that life but there are many more who just fell into the bad luck bucket and God only knows, that could happen to any of us. So HATS ON to your friend Erin and her family and may God Bless them with their mission to warm not only heads, but a lot of hearts along the way" :-)

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